What’s next after IGCSE ( A Level )

Aye Myat Thiri Myo
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After sitting for the IGCSE exams and waiting for the results to come out in six weeks, you should decide which path you will choose. Although you can get into universities or colleges after IGCSE right away, some students opt for other tertiary education. This article will outline one of the post-secondary education; Advanced subsidiary and advanced level.This course is more suited to those who have finished O levels or IGCSE or who hold a high school graduation certificate.
A level is widely recognized around the world when you apply for courses at universities. If the candidate is not satisfied with the results or wants to achieve higher results then the candidate can retake that subject for unlimited times.However the student has to delay the exam until the next exam series which is approximately one year. Nevertheless, A levels take a long time to prepare compared to other equivalent courses and the fees are costly.
Normally, the A level consists of two parts, AS and A2 levels. Some students usually do A level for 2 full years, staged assessment, doing AS in the first year and A2 in the latter half. AS and A2 have different syllabuses which do not conflict with each other much. However, you can choose to complete the A level with linear assessment, by taking both AS and A2 in the same series.
Another alternative is to do a standalone assessment. Here, candidates may desire to only take the AS syllabus and not take the A2’s. In addition, there is also an A2 only route in which candidates have AS level school-assed grades, meaning that the students are not obliged to take the AS level exam from Cambridge but rather to have been assessed at their school.
In A levels, the candidates must take up to a minimum of 3 subjects from which your school offers or what is relevant to your following majors in the university. Most universities require you to have at least AAA ( three As) or for competitive unis, A*AA ( with one A* and two As).
Cambridge holds the A level exams twice a year in May/June and in October/November. Sometimes you can sit for the exams in private institutions.Approximately, the exam fee for one subject is between 200000 mmk and 500000 mmk according to 2022 May/June A level exam fees from british council.However one thing to note is that not only the exam fees differ from each subject but there are also other additional fees such as Late Entry fees etc.
According to thinkstudents.co.uk.com, the most popular A-level subjects are shown below
- Mathematics
- Psychology
- Biology
- Chemistry
- History
- English Literature
- Sociology
- Physics
- Business Study
- Economics
Among these subjects, Sociology and Psychology are rated as one of the easiest subjects meanwhile, Physics and further maths are regarded as one of the hardest.
You may find the syllabus outline at cambridgeinternational.org and textbook resources at cambridge.org. I would recommend you to visit https://www.physicsandmathstutor.com for topical past paper and notes.